
  • Vasyl Hryhorkiv
  • Mariia Hryhorkiv



modeling, two-sector economy, dynamics, utilization.


Today the economy as an object of research cannot be considered separately without ecology, since anthropogenic impact on the environment is getting more and more powerful not only in certain regions, but also on a planetary scale. Greening the economy is becoming especially urgent and is associated with the development of new resource-saving and environmental technologies, preserving natural potential and reducing the level of environmental pollution, raising the level of environmental education and culture in society, ensuring the environmental quality and safety of human life, etc.
The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual approach to modeling ecologically and socially balanced economy, in which the production of the main aggregate products, utilization of pollution products of industrial and non-industrial pollution nature, and pollution control are exercised.
The task of the work is to build models of ecological and economic dynamics, the trajectories of which have the corresponding socio-economic characteristics of a clustered, in the economic sense, society and are acceptable for the ecological economy.
The methodology research includes principles, conceptual approaches and methods for constructing and analyzing differential models of economic and ecological-economic dynamics.
The results of the work related to the developed dynamic model of a two-sector ecological economy, in which one sector produces the main aggregate product and the second sector utilizes pollution products, are created by the producers of the first sector and the societal life. The model admits a number of modifications, allows to classify them as a separate class of models of ecological and economic dynamics. Models of this class are formalized in the space of socio-economic and environmental variables, which include liquid savings of production owners (producers) and workers employed in both sectors of the economy, prices for basic products, tariffs for utilization of pollution, volumes of environmental pollution.

How to quote:

Grigorkiv VS, Grigorkiv MV Dynamic models of two-sector ecological economy in the case of linear behavioral functions of its subjects. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, March 2021. № 20 (48). Pp. 141–146.

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Mathematical modeling and information technologies in economics