
  • Svitlana Hodzhal


Marko Antonovych, “Zarevo”, state building, Ukrainian diaspora, studenthood


The article is about the activity of student association of national solidarism “Zarevo” the role of Marko Dmytrovych Antonovych as the founder, important figure and head of the association. In particular, main vectors of the association’s activity are analyzed here, the M. Antonovych‘s contribution to foundation, institutional and ideological development of ‘Zarevo’ are stated, the most prosperous period of the association’s activity is characterized, and main reasons for suspension of its activity are found out.
The association was founded in Munich in 1949 and M. Antonovych became its first chairman. “Zarevo”’s activity was extended to the territory of Europe, North America and Australia. Members of the association were mostly students, majority of whom later became notable political and public figures and scientists. The doctrine of national solidarism was the ideological basis of “Zarevo”. Representatives of the organization believed that national solidarism will facilitate creation of Ukrainian independent and united state and will improvethe conditions of fully-fledged national development of the Ukrainians in future. The ideological mentor of association was A. Melnyk and the ideology of his Leadership of Ukrainian Nationalists (PUN). The main areas of “Zarevo”’s work were organizational, scientific, publishing and public activities. The main mission of the association was to prepare nationally conscious young intellectuals. It was planned that the youth that forms consciousness within the limits of activities of the association will be the foundation of young Ukrainian independent state in the political, economic and cultural spheres.
Marko Antonovich had headed the organization for a long period, during which he organized the work of “Zarevo” ably. Besides his presidency in association, he also chaired the Literary Commission and the Commission for Ukrainian Revival Studies in the 19th and the 20th centuries, which were the most active in the organization under his leadership. At the same time, during a specific period he was a chief editor of the press organs of the organization: “Zarevo’s Bulletin”, “Lystok Druzhby” (“The Leaflet of Friendship”), literature commission’s magazine “Yunist” (“The Youth”) and an all-tine writer for these publications. In general, M. Antonovich’s activity both as a leader and as a member of professional commissions of “Zarevo” was productive, and for this reason, the research of this aspect of his life is important for understanding of the intellectual biography of the scholar.

