
  • Оlena Prymostka


international consulting, synectics, associations, innovative approaches to consulting


Globalization of the economic space leads to an increase in the level of competition, the availability of information creates new challenges for the consulting business. It is the globalization processes and the dictating of world economism that led to the need to identify and use the synectic method as one of the priority areas for the implementation of consulting services. The basis of the synectic method is to work with analogies of different types, combinations of theoretical and practical knowledge, and experiences that have been formed and worked out by group members at the time of their work in the synectic group. Synectics is based on the socio-psychological collective intellectual activity. Synectics represents an optimal combination of various elements that can be heterogeneous and generally incompatible with each other in the process of solving important tasks. The synectic approach is based on three components: climate, thinking and actions that form a synergistic effect. The sequence of actions using the synectic method should include the following steps, such as careful selection of participants, search for solutions to client's failure and presentation of results. For effective work and the search for innovative ideas on the client's request, the synectics group uses four types of analogies for discussion. Analogies fully cover the practical experience and the views of the participants. In turn, the above classification of types of analogies can be represented as follows: subjective and symbolic analogies are corporeal and abstract, but direct and fantastic - real and unreal, respectively. Thanks to the regular use of this method, you can significantly expand the traditional set of tools, as well as develop new techniques that allow you to deeply study the problem.

