
  • Tetiana Pysmenna


economic activity of enterprise, unprofitable economic activity, anti-crisis financial management, anti-crisis financial measures, anti-crisis tools of enterprise policy


The subject of the study is the set of practical principles for anti-crisis financial management of domestic enterprises in the conditions of instability of their economic activity.

The aim of the study is to analyse the practice of anti-crisis financial management in the conditions of instable economic activity of domestic enterprises.

The absolute and relative indexes of domestic enterprises operating at a loss in the recent years are analysed. The amount of losses incurred by enterprises while conducting various types of economic activities is determined. The share of enterprises that have suffered losses while operating is established.

It is determined that in the process of anti-crisis financial management of the enterprise, various types of measures can be implemented. These are immediate and medium-term anti-crisis financial measures. Other measures are aimed at preventing a financial crisis or at company turn around. All measures are designed to provide a preliminary diagnosis of the threat of bankruptcy and financial rehabilitation of the enterprise.

The structure of anti-crisis tools is based on the internal causes of crisis situations at the enterprise. It includes the main anti-crisis tools implemented through the personnel, innovation, investment, and marketing policies of the enterprise. By using them, one can overcome the crisis at the enterprise, and ensure its sustainable development in the long term.

The key requirements for constructing the subsystem of anti-crisis financial management at the enterprise are established. Such a subsystem should be active since the creation of the enterprise. The application of methods to overcome the crisis occurs within the framework of the company’s anti-crisis financial policy.

The results of the research are practical and can be applied in the process of constructing a subsystem of anti-crisis financial management at the enterprise.

It is concluded that the problem of anti-crisis financial management of enterprise can be investigated in terms of substantiating the positive impact the crisis may have on the subject of management.

