
  • Petro Putsenteilo



organizational and economic mechanism of land relations regulation, agrarian sphere, land relations, normative monetary valuation of land


The structure of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in the agricultural sector is analyzed. The main elements of the organizational and economic mechanism in the field of agro-industrial complex are determined. The content of the organizational and economic mechanism of land relations regulation is structurally presented. Theoretical principles of organizational and economic mechanism of regulation are described land relations. Peculiarities of organizational and economic realization are considered mechanism in the field of land relations. Identifed the essence and the main mechanisms of economic regulation of land relations in the current development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Possible measures that increase the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism of land relations regulation are proposed. The analysis of the most significant mechanisms of economic regulation of land relations in market conditions of management the normative monetary assessment of agricultural lands. The value of normative monetary valuation of agricultural lands in Ukraine is calculated.

How to quote:

Pucenteilo PR Peculiarities of development of organizational and economic mechanism of land relations regulation in agrarian sphere. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Jail:
Published by NaUOA, September 2020. № 19 (47). Pp. 12–19.

Formulas: 3; fig .: 3; table: 0; bibl .: 12.


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© P. R. Pucenteilo
Scientific Notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy", series "Economics", № 19 (47), December, 2020 19
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