
  • Viktor Dilenko
  • Kateryna Koeva



economic integration, integration mechanisms, rational choice, mathematical model, charts of the optimal integration mechanisms


The article concerns a certain economic and mathematical approach to the rational choice problem analysis of economic systems integration mechanisms. It is believed that the essence of integration lies in rearrangement of derived net product between the systems for their development, and the means of mentioned rearrangement determine the possible integration mechanisms of relevant economic systems. The mathematical model of two economic systems integration is built to analyse the processes of economies confunction in view of different mechanisms of their integration. At the model’s core are the elements of the well-known model of Solow economic dynamics, describing its production constituent. The model made of two differential equations systems reflecting the evolution of fixed production assets of consolidated economic systems with various mechanisms of their integration.
Within the framework of the developed model is proposed an approach for rational choice of economic integration mechanisms, which relies on constructing and analyzing charts of the optimal ways of the examined economic systems confunction. There the domains of selected options of economic systems development model are represented, for which the best is an appropriate mechanism of their integration.
This article presents the examples of constructing and analyzing both separate charts of the optimal integration mechanisms of economic systems and their certain sequence. It reflects the transformation processes of the corresponding areas of charts under the influence of some internal and external factors. As such factors were considered the criterion of the integration mechanism choice and the intensity of the scientific and technological progress impact. The latter comprises a kinetic component which was introduced into the constructed model and is responsible for the influence of autonomous scientific and technological progress on the development of investigated economic systems.

How to quote:

Dilenko VA, Koeva EO Mathematical modeling of rational choice
the simplest mechanisms of economic integration. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal.
Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, September 2020. № 19 (47). Pp. 111–118.

Formulas: 2; fig .: 7; tab .: 0; bibl .: 8.


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Mathematical modeling and information technologies in economics