modern management technologies, construction, industry, enterpriseAbstract
The article identifies problems and prospects for the use of modern management technologies in the spheres of industry and construction of Ukraine. It is noted that industry and construction are those sectors of the national economy on which the level of economic development of the country depends, because they create a significant part of gross domestic product and affect all aspects of human life without exception. The development of management technologies in our country requires the adaptation of economic entities to the market requirements and forces the management of industrial and construction companies to continuously learn from the leading world countries. There is an urgent need for the industrial complex enterprizes of Ukraine to use advanced world methods for selection and implementation of certain quality standards of industrial products, the adoption of a new business philosophy, improving corporate culture and changing technology to promote products on world markets. With regard to construction, the important role assigned to construction companies requires high-quality provision of all necessary resources: human, financial, energy, information, technology. Thus, the development of financial and economic activities of construction companies is important for achieving the strategic goals of the national economy of Ukraine. It was found that given the specific features of industrial and construction enterprises, the main opportunities for improving management should be sought not in attempts to modernize the existing system, but in the introduction of innovative approaches and modern technologies for managing their activities. An algorithm for the use of modern management technologies in industry and construction, which includes all aspects of enterprises. It is concluded that today there is a need to use modern management technologies in industry and construction as the leading sectors of the national economy of Ukraine. Only a rapid response to changes in the external environment and adaptation to modern management technologies will allow businesses to enter international markets and ensure their own development of operational and financial activities.
How to quote:
Kondratenko NO, Volkova MV Modern control technologies in industry and construction. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, March 2021. No. 20 (48). Pp. 4–9.
Formulas: 0; fig .: 1; tab .: 0; bibl .: 13.
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