
  • Natalia Danyliuk
  • Yuliia Shulyk
  • Olena Kachan


project management, IT company, IT project, Agile approach, inventory planning


The article focuses on the importance of project management in the IT companies’ activity, which is determined by the specifics of enterprises offering digital products and business models, as well as the peculiarities of relationships between enterprises as participants of distribution channels. The study describes the main types of IT companies, in particular, identifies the advantages and disadvantages of each type of companies. Significant differences in the activities of product and outsourcing IT companies have been identified, the main conditions for successful positioning of product IT companies have been outlined, which are: participants in project activities, phases of the digital product life cycle and the chosen business model. The specifics of the enterprises' activity – manufacturers of products and the involvement of product IT companies in this activity have been determined to be promising from the point of view of income maximizing for the participants of vertical sales channels. The example of GMDH Streamline describes the activities of a product IT company that offers effective IT solutions, in particular for forecasting supply and demand, as well as inventory planning. The article describes the proposed GMDH Streamline software solution, namely the improvement of the ERP system, and the Agile approach used in the project management process. The proposed study can be a source of information for further research on the search for mechanisms to maximize the income of enterprises – manufacturers using modern software solutions to optimize stocks, as well as forecasting the demand and supply. Theoretical provisions highlighted in the article on the possibilities of building effective sales chains in terms of planning the costs of operating activities, in particular for manufacturers can have significant practical value for company management.





Mathematical modeling and information technologies in economics