
  • Olena Dymchenko
  • Valerii Ostrohliad



personnel policy, personnel potential, principles, structure, innovations, system adaptive approach


The article reveals the main theoretical provisions regarding the formation of the company’s personnel policy. The author’s interpretation of personnel policy is given, which summarizes the vision of different authors on its essence. The principles of its formation, the main structure-forming elements are indicated in a systematic form. A special role is given to one of the fundamental documents on the basis of which personnel policy is formed, namely, the essence of the provision on personnel policy and its structural content is considered. Attention is focused on the importance of understanding compliance with the principle of openness of personnel policy by the top management of the enterprise. Possibilities of considering personnel policy as a key factor to ensure stable functioning and progressive development of the enterprise in the future. Based on the above, it can be determined that the personnel support of the enterprise is an integral set of the personnel’s capabilities for labor activity, which is understood as their ability to creative, productive work, to master new tools, technology and methods of labor, to improve their professional skills, innovative activities, etc. Thus, the carrier of human resources, taking into account the stages of its formation, development, and use, is the personnel of the enterprise without limitation of its age, educational level of development, professionalism, and qualifications. From the point of view of personnel management, human resources are the collective abilities and capabilities of the company’s personnel, which are necessary in order to carry out actions that provide the company with strategic advantages among competitors. The value of human resources for the achievement of the company’s strategic goals in the field of personnel management determines its role and place in the personnel management process. The object of personnel management of the enterprise is human resources, the possibilities of its formation and effective use. Recommendations are provided on the use of a system-adaptive approach when structuring the content of work on the formation of personnel policy of a large enterprise that meets modern challenges. The article can be considered as a practical guide in the formation of the company’s personnel policy.

