
  • Denys Niedielko




creative imperative, creative economy, creative industries, creative industries development potential, sixth technological system


The article describes the characteristics of the new global economic system. It is substantiated that the creative economy and creative industries are a global imperative of world economic development, that is, a mandatory element of the modern world economic system. It was determined that creative industries are a special socio-economic activity that affects socio-economic transformations, focused on the construction of a knowledge economy system, which, in turn, is based on the results of profound technological changes.
In the course of studying the works of foreign scientists, we identified three important vectors of the latest research on the creative vector of economic development: 1. the role of human capital and education in the formation and development of the creative economy; 2. the impact of digitalization and artificial intelligence on creative industries; 3. the importance of creative industries in the innovative development of the economy and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
It is substantiated that the person, their creative potential, and intellectual capital are the main forming factors of the creative imperative of economic development. The importance of the human factor in the development of the creative economy has been studied. It was established that in the conditions of socio-economic transformations, qualitatively new aspects of the formation of the potential for the development of creative industries arise. A dialectical process is observed: on the one hand, the above-mentioned transformations are impossible without updating approaches to the formation of the potential for the development of creative industries, and on the other hand, they cause qualitative shifts in the economic system, which are necessary for the emergence of new approaches to its formation. The potential for the development of creative industries is influenced by the following factors: the distribution of the effects of the process of interaction between the potential for the development of creative industries and the economic system in the global economic space is uneven; accordingly, the unevenness of modern economic transformations is observed; information technologies are becoming one of the dominant factors of the production process, the center of the global economy, and the economies of the least developed countries are deprived of the opportunity to own advanced information technologies, because their population does not have the appropriate knowledge and means to acquire such knowledge; modern transformations have changed the functional content and structure of the global economic system, and the weight of the social economy in the aggregate GDP of the most developed countries of the world has increased.
It was determined that the sixth technological system depends on the development of creative industries, which are integrated into the economic system and can become a generator of transformations.

