communications management, strategy formation, educational institutions, theoretical basis, education service, levelAbstract
The article summarizes the theoretical foundations for the formation of communication management strategy in higher education institutions of Ukraine determining its components and considering the application peculiarities of communications in the educational field. The author states that in conditions of fierce competition on the higher education market, effective management of communication is of great importance; the level of its development determines the quality of the educational process, financial and economic situation of education institutions and provides opportunities for our youth to obtain higher education in Ukraine. The formation and development of educational management are particularly important today in all countries, as the quality of education depends not only on the professional skill of a teacher and the student’s desire to receive quality educational services but also on the quality of management of all educational activities. Communication management is considered to be one of the most important tools for educational management. In the current difficult conditions of the pandemic, it can expand the opportunities of educational activities, preserve the scientific, financial and economic potential of the educational institutions, and introduce modern innovative forms of education following world standards of educational quality. Besides, communication management helps prevent corruption in the educational institutions, expand the interaction between educational institutions and employers bringing the domestic labour market closer to the civilized standards of the European Union. The author mentions that there are peculiarities of communication in the educational sphere and indicates certain problems associated with the specific features of the financial and economic activities of the educational institutions. The uncertainty of the external and internal environment of educational institutions and the constant lack of funds require communication management application not only in everyday learning but, to a greater extent, to advertise educational institutions, use modern interactive technologies to attract students, seek additional educational services. Therefore, the main stages of the formation and implementation of the communication management strategy in the educational institutions of Ukraine proposed in the article, will allow the management of institutions to solve several strategic and tactical problems and will develop their communication strategies.
How to quote:
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in higher education institutions. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh
academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUAA Publishing House, September
2020. № 19 (47). Pp. 43–50.
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