debt obligations, public debt, financial market, securities market, public debt marketAbstract
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to determine the essence and place of the public debt market in the financial market. Achievement is ensured by the implementation of tasks: systematization of views of domestic and foreign scientists on the essence of the place of public debt in the classification system of financial market segments; study of the structure of the financial market in terms of segments that ensure the implementation of debt financing of public debts; development of a theoretical approach to the structure of the public debt market.
The article considers and systematizes the views of scientists concerning the place of the state morgue market in the financial market. The article substantiates the need to supplement the classification features for financial market segmentation in terms of complementing the target of market participants and identifying segments: the market for attracting financial resources to cover the state budget deficit (public debt market); the market for attracting financial resources to increase private capital. The concept of the public debt market is defined and its structure is proposed in general and detailed form. In general, the structure of the public debt market covers the debt securities market and the external credit market.
The government debt securities market is a segment of the securities market, which in turn can also be classified. The same can be said about the external segment of the credit market. However, if the government debt securities market is fully owned by the public debt market, then the external segment of the credit market is only partially owned. The detailed structure of the public debt market is also presented.
Conclusions are drawn and the directions of further scientific research in this direction are indicated.
How to quote:
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"Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, September 2020. № 19 (47).
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