latest educational technologies, innovations, technologies, institution of higher education, professional training, bachelors of hotel and restaurant businessAbstract
The article examines the main aspects of the latest educational technologies application in the process of professional training of bachelors in hotel and restaurant business. It is established that problem lectures and educational discussions, as well as lecture-visualization, seminar-debate are most often used, and the least popular among students and teachers is the method of brainstorming.
Currently, there are social, educational and technological transformations in society, the growth of the educational services sector, which of course require qualitative changes in the conceptual framework of bachelor's training in higher education: search for new forms, methods and technologies of student training, introduction of new educational technologies. The diversity of functions related to educational technologies is explained by the different variation of their structure, the components of which are the latest and traditional educational tools, including communication and information, as well as distance learning, interactive methods, etc., which have gained popularity in Ukraine and the European Union. Researchers in the field of educational technology believe that well-founded new ways of teachers’ and students' joint activities provide the desired result, regardless of the teacher’s talent level and his professional skills. However, educational technologies as a reference point in scientific activity, contribute to the improvement of pedagogical work of teachers. It should be emphasized that the development of tourism in general and the restaurant business in particular depends on the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at expanding consumer properties and quality parameters of the tour product, improving overall customer service in institutions. Today, the telecommunications infrastructure makes it possible to create the latest systems, technologies of lifelong learning, general exchange of information, regardless of time and space. Higher educational institutions of Ukraine develop and implement methodological aspects of creating distance learning courses, study possible ways of organizing classes, solve issues of technical support for the organization of education.
How to quote:
Andryushchenko Ya. E. Use of the newest educational technologies at preparation of bachelors of hotel and restaurant business. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: VidU NaUOA, March 2021. № 20 (48). Pp. 24–30.
Formulas: 0; fig .: 0; tab .: 0; bibl .: 11.
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