food safety, indicators, consumer, food security, consumer behavior.Abstract
Ensuring the safety of children's nutrition is a strategic task of the state and requires a scientific justification of ways, directions of using the existing potential to increase it. The article considers approaches to assessing the effectiveness of nutrition management of school-age children, proposes an algorithm for monitoring the effectiveness of management, which provides for the cyclical implementation of a number of successive stages, taking into account the implementation of the marketing mechanism. It is noted that according to the overall rating of the Global Food Security Index, Ukraine in 2019 improved its position compared to the previous period, which characterizes the presence of positive changes in the field of food security. However, the adjustment of existing programs and the development of new strategic directions for improving the safety of children's nutrition requires monitoring of the current situation, determining the factors of the existing dynamics, which is complicated by the lack of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of food safety management.
Based on the analysis of the components of food security, the children' food safety parameters based on the criteria of the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and FAO are indicated. A system of key indicators for children's food safety is proposed, providing macroeconomic and marketing indicators that characterize the level of physical and financial availability of food, quality and safety of food, and take into account behavioral aspects (namely motivated choice of healthy food by children). The behavioral aspect of food safety is manifested through the model of children's consuming behavior in the market. Methods of collecting information for the assessment of child nutrition safety management, which provide for obtaining both secondary and primary information, are outlined.
How to quote:
Konovalenko AS Indicators of child nutrition safety management. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Economics Series:
scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, March 2021. № 20 (48). Pp. 59–66.
Formula: 0; fig .: 2; tab .: 4; bibl .: 15.
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