Investment activity, innovation sphere, restructuring, social and economic development of the region.Abstract
The target of this research is to develop scientifically based approaches to the management system of the investment process in innovative activities as the basis for the socio-economic development of the region. It is shown that the concentration of investment potential today acquires regional character, and therefore the concentration of all the sources of financing investment, including cost, their support and encouragement is an important element of the new investment and innovation strategy. Regional policy should be defined as a purposeful, scientifically grounded activity of local governments in attracting and efficiently using investment resources to solve the problems of complex socio-economic development of the region. Highlighted the main directions of the mobilization of regional economic policy to improve the investment structure are identified: the development of a new strategic course for regional industrial investment and innovation policy; Activation of the innovation process in the direction of technical and technological improvement, reduction of energy and material consumption; the completion of the transformation of state ownership and management structure, tax system, product and financial markets, and other innovative mechanisms in the institutions of a market economy and the promotion of entrepreneurship in the regions.; An organic mix of investments with innovations to ensure structural adjustment, the introduction of new technology and technology, the development of industries corresponding to high technological structures; Restructuring of the technological and organizational-economic structure of inefficient business entities, with the allocation of enterprises and types of products subject to conversion, conversion or liquidation, incl. And through the mechanism of insolvency.
It is proved that the investment activity should be carried out with the active new economic role of the state in these processes with the preservation of individual trends in the further decentralization of management in the sphere of investment and innovation, and to ensure the minimization of risks in capital investment in innovative activities.