Social, cultural, scholarly and educational activities of OUATNS «Zarevo» in the USA
This article is dedicated to activities of OUATNS «Zarevo» in the USA during the period from foundation of the first center (cell) in 1950 until actual discontinuation of the organization’s activities in the USA in 1983. The main tasks are to analyse and examine social, scientific, educational and cultural activity of association’s cells in the context of social life of Ukrainian diaspora. There was largely exposed scientific and publicistic direction of the organization’s activities, on which they had concentrated their attention and which they had chosen as a basis for a work in professional (business) committees. The author tries to investigate these aspects completely, to follow correlations of students' ideological organizations on an example of it’s cooperation. In this article partially raised topics relating to Ukrainian students generally during the postwar years. There is an attempt to examine situation and position of OUN (m), PUN and numerous organizations that were ideologically related by the environment.