globalization, integration, marketing technologies, competitiveness, efficiency, management, brandAbstract
Globalization through increased trade liberalization and the development of new technologies has led to a sharp increase in trade and economic turnover of goods and services, as well as an increase in the exchange of financial resources.
Accordingly, effective marketing, which would take into account the various factors of the environment and the peculiarities of integration processes, becomes one of the tools to provide the prerequisites for competitive advantage in both national and global markets.
At the same time, the use of modern marketing technologies in the management of marketing activities allows companies to increase turnover, become more personalized and become attractive to consumers. And, most importantly, not only the interface between brands and consumers is changing, but the correct application of marketing technologies allows modern companies to improve their financial situation, strengthen their position and facilitate integration into competitive global markets.
The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on the field, meaning and features of modern marketing technologies, their impact on the commercial activities of enterprises and strengthening competitive positions in domestic and global markets.
The article examines the importance and necessity of the modern marketing technologies application in the activities of modern enterprises in a competitive global environment. In particular, the content, specifics, features of the formation of marketing technologies are considered. The purpose and directions of the marketing technologies application and their influence on competitiveness of domestic enterprises both in the domestic and global markets are substantiated.
The conducted research gives grounds to conclude that marketing technologies are important for the effective operation of domestic enterprises. Proper selection and correct application of modern marketing technologies allows companies to improve marketing management processes, expand the target audience, increase sales, strengthen their market position, increase their image and brand interest in national and international markets.
How to quote:
Kuzmak OI, Shaidyuk AS Modern marketing technologies as a tool for effective management of enterprises in the context of globalization. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, September 2020. № 19 (47). Pp. 57–63.
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