
  • Mykhailo Lashko
  • Uliana Nazymok
  • Yuliia Holubnycha-Shlenchak


Borys Grinchenko, Volodymyr Shaian, «Liberation Path» («Vyzvolnyi Shliakh»), Ukrainian diaspora, Grinchenkiana


The article presents the review of materials about Borys Grinchenko published in 1963–1964 in the «Liberation Path» («Vyzvolnyi Shliakh») magazine – Ukrainian diaspora’s magazine about Ukrainian social, political, scientific and literature life. It is marked the involvement of the published materials and its author Volodymyr Shaian’s editorial work in restoration of the Borys Grinchenko’s name as great Ukrainian writer that was forbidden and in fact unknown in USSR. 
It is highlighted the major themes of Borys Grinchenko’s work in different genres touched in analyzed materials, Volodymyr Shaian’s author’s stylistic features, high literary level, expressive national position and profound experience for the popular of Borys Grinchenko’s name. 
Volodymyr Shaian’s articles also examines Borys Grinchenko’s work in public education field and relationships with other well-known public persons in the late XIX – early XX century. 
It shows Borys Grinchenko’s national ideological principles and beliefs, common and different features between him and other partners in the main goals of national education. Volodymyr Shaian’s historiographycal analysis of Borys Grinchenko’s pedagogical and enlightening activity is made on the basis of chronological and problem-topical approaches. The main periods of Borys Grinchenko’s life and activity are distinguished. The peculiarities of study of Borys Grinchenko’s life and activity by his contemporaries, Soviet and foreign, emigrant and Ukrainian scholars are stated. It has been determined that named materials published in the «Liberation Path» («Vyzvolnyi Shliakh») magazine – a valuable source for understanding Borys Grinchenko’s social and editorial views. Based on these unknown published materials, the research examines also Volodymyr Shaian’s contribution into the history of literature as well as national culture.

