
  • Halyna B. Handzilevska
  • Viktoriya V. Kondratyuk


information-psychological safety, resilience, emotional intelligence, sanogenic and critical thinking, pedagogical reflection; primary school teachers


The article investigates the problem of informational-psychological safety of educators. The main focus in the study is based on the organization of the resources and barriers on the resilience approach at online learning for primary school teachers. The study describes open questions of psychological and didactic readiness of primary school teachers in a situation of compulsory online learning. Also, it characterizes the orientations of their solution which are outlined through the prism of the analysis of researches carried out on the basis of Scientific Centers «Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychotherapy» and «Sanogenic Pedagogy and Psychology» at the National University of Ostroh Academy.
It is emphasized that the unpreparedness for the innovative activity of teachers at the initial stages of the introduction of educational reforms and the importance of developing their personal readiness for change, in the first place. Also, highlighted is the relevance of the formation of emotional competence of teachers through the virtue of specific problem-solving and the prevention of emotional burnout of teachers.
In the text, the main difficulties of teachers in the conditions of online learning is delineated. Also particularly described are their main needs, such as: technical support; interpersonal relationships with colleagues and parents; fear of self-presentation in an online space. Also, the author’s attention concentrates on the importance of teachers developing adaptive and emotional resources, the formation of their digital competence, their development of media literacy, sanogenic and critical thinking to confront negatively colored information factors, as well as the organization of their information-psychological safety.
In the context of the resilience approach, the author’s attention is focused on the constructs of informational-psychological safety as emotional intelligence, critical and sanogenic thinking, pedagogical reflection and media literacy. An algorithm is also proposed for the formation of psychological stability of teachers in the online space in the context of the function of psychological defense mechanisms. Additionally presented are vectors for solving these problems through the prism of the resilience approach. The main focus is on the methods of development within the constructs of information-psychological safety as emotional intelligence, critical and sanogenic thinking and pedagogical reflection.
It represents effective programs for their optimization. In particular, the program “Emotional first aid kit” (polish authors – S. Veshkhovska and E. Nervinska), which is formed on the basis of two scientific concepts: the concept of positive psychology M. Selligman and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction authored by J. Kabat Zinna, and the program «Reboot +» for educators (author – G. Handzilevska), whose main task is to restore and develop the resources of the professional script of teachers in measuring the correction of script settings.
It suggests an algorithm for the development of the resilience of teachers in the online space in the context of healthy functions of psychological mechanisms on the tasks of Gestalt therapy, which includes the development of emotional-volitional, intellectual, moral and creative-volitional resources. Metaphorically, the tactics of recovery and the development of psychological resources in the dimension of information-psychological safety are defined as «Faith», «Hope», «Love» and «Wisdom». To summarize, each stage should be accompanied by a set of exercises aimed at preventing emotional burnout through the development of sanogenic and critical thinking, emotional intelligence and the correction of scenarios.





Problems of educational and developmental psychology