
  • Nataliia  I. Zhyhaylo
  • Oksana Ye. Voloshyna


sleep, sleep disorder, research analysis, somnology somnotherapy transdiagnostic approach, diagnosis, night diagnosis, day diagnosis, medical diagnosis, psychological diagnosis, psychiatric diagnosis, sleep diary


This article actualises the issues of sleep disruption, awareness of youth about the importance of sleep for human body, highlights essential notions and research into the field of sleep disorders among adolescents carried out by us aiming to analyse the quality of sleep in the time of the global pandemic, occurence of nightmares and level of knowledge about the significance of sleep for human body. Insufficiency of awareness about the value of sleep, facing stress choosing to study at night, work at nighttime, leisure time at night among youth cause serious problems with health in the future. This article contains a survey of a vast array of research that give evidence of importance of sleep for human health, European recommendations on the sleep disorders treatment methods, descriptions of short medical cases, suggested by us new directions in medicine and psychology, which are developing, for solving problems in treating sleep disorders, studies carried out be us, best practises, sleep diary according to transdiagnostic approach for diagnostics and observation of recovery dynamics, methods of self-diagnosis and self-regulation etc. In conclusion, this material is a big step for increasing competencies of specialists in various directions who work with sleep disorders in medicine and psychology.
Sleep disorders that are not of organic origin and require a separate or individual diagnostic protocol, night diagnosis (night diagnosis is what happens to a person at night), choice of therapies and therapeutic project for the treatment of post-traumatic sleep disorders and nightmares are described. A brief overview of our proposed new direction in medicine and psychology of somnotherapy, which is only developing in Ukraine and abroad. The term “somnotherapy” is proposed to mean not only a new direction in the treatment of sleep disorders and nightmares, but also a method of sleep treatment. As part of the new direction of “somnotherapy”, the article presents our proposed protocol of primary intervention for the treatment of sleep disorders, the algorithm of cooperation between a doctor and a psychologist-somnotherapist (patient / client route).
We consider the results of the study to be a big step to increase the competence of specialists in various fields working with sleep disorders in medicine and psychology.





Problems of educational and developmental psychology