
  • Геопоетичні студії / Geopoetical Studies

    The student scholarly and literary almanac Heopoetychni studii has been founded at the National University of Ostroh Academy in 2015. It has initially been published as part of the course "Literary Theory: Geopoetical Studies."

    In 2020, the Editorial Board has commenced two publications: a yearly student almanac "Геопоетичні студії. Альманах" in print and a digital academic journal "Геопоетичні студії / Geopoetical Studies." The journal's purpose is to establish and develop geopoetical studies, an interdisciplinary branch of the Humanities.

    Publication is free of charge. The journal follows the Open Journal Access policy.

    News are published on the journal's page on Facebook:

  • Journal of Modern Islamic Studies

    Studies on the history and modernity of the Muslim communities

  • Agora. Social Sciences Journal

    Agora. Social Sciences Journal

    Peer-reviewed academic periodical journal of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. The journal publishes original results of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of political science, sociology, political geography, international relations, public communications and regional studies. Priority is given to empirical studies of developments in individual countries as well as to comparative analyses between countries and studies. In geographical terms, Agora covers the entire post-communist region, including Central and Eastern Europe and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union. The journal publishes reviews of social science books published in the last year and also publishes regular ‘symposium’ sections and review articles devoted to briefer analysis of particular events.

  • Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, «Historical sciences» series

     The scholarly journal is dedicated to the issues of the Ukrainian and the world history, historiography, and source studies. The journal indicates the research interests of the scholars of the National University of Ostroh Academy and other scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine. This issue is devoted to the 70th anniversary of Professor Volodymyr Trofymovych.
    For historians, teachers, young scholars, and students.

  • Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Philosophy" Series

    The scientific journal "Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy": Series "Philosophy" is an open access scientific publication. This means that all content is freely available and free to users or their organizations. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles in this journal without seeking permission from the publisher or author. This definition of open access is provided by BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative).

  • Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Psychology Series

    Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Psychology Series publishes original scientific manuscripts performed in the context of actual problems of personality psychology and related branches of psychological science in various aspects: theoretical and methodological works; works describing the results of empirical studies; works which describe new methodical (diagnostic, corrective-developing, etc.) techniques. The Journal presents the results of the theoretical and experimental developments, problems of fundamental and applied psychology. The problems of personality, cognitive sphere, issues of social, pedagogical psychology, peculiarities of behavior that do not conform to the norm, etc. are also considered. It is intended for university teachers, researchers, post-graduate students and students of psychological faculties of higher educational establishments, as well as for practicing psychologists.

  • Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series

    The proceedings contain scientific articles on modern linguistics and literary studies. Recommended to philology scientists, teachers, students and those interested in language studies.

    Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, are scientific publications for public access. This means that all content is freely available and is free of charge to users or their organizations. The users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking permission from the publisher or the author. The definition of open access is given according to BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative).

  • Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Economics" Series

    Thematic orientation - the studies in the field of economics.

    Sientific journal reveals topical issues of economic theory, national economy management, management of sectors and enterprises, labor economics and regional economy, finance, monetary circulation and credit, accounting, analysis and audit, mathematical modeling and information technologies in economics. The materials will be useful for scientists, teachers, economists-practitioners, students.