
  • Iryna Hatsenko


riddle, speech genre, discourse, speech act, communication, sender, addressee


The article is sanctifi ed to research of the Ukrainian folk riddles in the folklore picture of the world. The specifi c of genre, his intercommunication, is educed with other folklore genres, nature of language genre of riddle is analysed as to the constituent of discourse, the features of functioning of language genre of riddle are considered in the different types of discourse. Pragmatic potential of riddles is analysed, hierarchical properties of text are described. The basis of the formation of any type of discourse is a picture of the world refl ects certain mental characteristics. The media of modern culture lives simultaneously in several discursive spaces. Cognitive models undergo signifi cant changes depending on the communicative purpose, conditions of implementation discourse. Consequently, the discursive picture of the world is determined. The originality of the genre due to the anthropocentric interpretation of objects and the refl ection of the relationship of conceptual and language pictures of the world in the puzzle. The correlation of the two pictures of the world beamed directly to the structural-semantic organization of the riddles (the answer and the code part). Categorization of riddles on topics enriched with potential meanings and is marked by cultural and ethnic specifi city is a certain aspect of the Ukrainian conceptosphere. Shaped (code) part is a verbal way of conceptualizing the world. The features of the language picture of the world modern (children and adults) of the mysteries is most clearly found in the classical mysteries, which are a kind of Bank of ideas and opportunities for further self-development genre.



How to Cite

FEATURE OF RIDDLE AS A GENRE OF FOLKLORE DISCOURSE. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(69), 107-110. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/1589