phonostylistic model, phonostylistic coding of the text, functions of the phonostilistic model, variability of the French language in QuebecAbstract
The article has been devoted to the analysis of the linguistic features of the image and place transfer in the society of the hero-writer in the conditions of socio-political changes in Québec in the 60s of the XX century in the novel “Hail Galarneau!” by Jacques Godbout, the infl uence of socio-political life on the use of linguistic means, peculiar properties of the variability of the French language in Quebec, the use of anglicisms; lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of the Quebec version of the French language in this novel. The phonostylistic coding of the text is expressed by certain linguistic means and creates the portrait of the main hero: favorite words of the hero, quebec variants of the French language, anglicisms; the text tropes and syntax means (complex syntactic constructions with different types of connection in the thoughts of the hero, and in conversation with other heroes – brevity, transmitted in short phrases, specifi c to the spoken french); the morphology, invented a new word (vécrire); the phonetic features (almost every page of the novel abounds in expressive sonorities and rhythmic groups with two to six syllables); with the help of ideographic means (vécrire, DOMINER); by the text itself (topics related to everyday life and those related to the writer’s infl uence on life).