
  • Halyna Kuzenko,


sign, semiotics, primary, secondary semiosis


The article is devoted to the consideration of semiotic signs, their signifi cancein the creative nature of the translation semiosis. Translation as an actofsemiosis generalizes in a receptor’s consciousnessusing symbols of the target language semantic invariants, an adequate meaning, embodied by the authorin a sequence of characters of the original language which form the source text. The translation semiosis is a complex and structured multidimensional process, which includes:

– creation of a speech statement «in the form of a bilinear semantic sign», «directed to the generation and translation of the listener (or rather, to activation in the minds of the listener) teleologically central to the communicative process of the essence of meaning.»
– the secondary semiosis is associated with the onset of semiotic processes in the mind of an interpreter. Interestingly, the semiotic activity of the author of the message and the interpreter is fundamentally different in at least two aspects: motivation and stage.
– The third stage of the semiosis for an interpreter is the construction of the expression in the language of translation, taking into account the specifi cs of the new receptor. From a semiotic point of view, the task of an interpreter is to formalize / denote the meaning of it in the form of a bilateral sign.
– The fourth level of semiosis involves a translation receptor. The reconstructed (transcoded) by means of the semiotic activity of the translator the meaning of the statement is actualized in the consciousness of the receptor, which, in turn, begins its own semiosis.



How to Cite

INFORMATIVE-SEMIOTIC PROCESS OF TRANSLATION. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(69), 232-235.