
  • Х.-М. Р Жук


somatic verbs, hyponymy, hypero-hyponymic relations, hyperonym, hyponym, troponym


The article deals with the lexico-semantic category of hyponymy based on the material of somatic verbs in the English language. It investigates the peculiarities of hyper-hyponymic relations in general and in the lexico-semantic group of somatic verbs. The research focuses on establishing the characteristic features of hyponymy of the somatic verbs. The study revealed different opinions regarding the classifi cation of hypernyms and hyponyms with the implication that not all of them can be applied to verbs in general and somatic verbs in particular. In order to analyze their hyper-hyponymic relations it would be appropriate to use the category of manner of action. The componential analysis is carried out on the basis of dictionary defi nitions. The analysis of the dictionary defi nitions of English somatic verbs shows that most of the somatic verbs are interconnected by the relationships of troponymy. In general, dictionary defi nitions of verbs contain a particular common seme that is usually characterized by features of various kinds. This common seme helps to group the verbs and fi nd appropriate troponyms. Hyper-hyponymic relations of somatic verbs refl ect their tight systemic relations. 



How to Cite

HYPER-HYPONYMIC RELATIONS OF ENGLISH SOMATIC VERBS. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 66, 37-39. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/1814