
  • Є. О. Сазонова


modern linguistic personality, web personality, virtual linguistic personality, internet communication, informational and communicative space


The article deals with a language personality, which, under conditions of informational and communicative space, has transformed into a virtual language personality (web personality). The virtual language personality is a new phenomenon that has certain features which have been identifi ed by some scientists, but still remains controversial and needs clarifi cation. The author emphasizes that it is important to study structure, characteristics, levels, classifi cation, nature and components of the web personality. However, there have already been defi ned some features of the web personality, such as: incorporeity which consists exclusively of signs and actions, anonymity that is manifested in hiding a real name, enhanced identifi cation, i. e. giving any set of characteristics, plurality, the ability to have several different virtual personalities simultaneously or sequentially, automation, the ability to simulate individual virtual activity. Some scientists agree that the virtual linguistic personality retains its traditional level structure: verbal and semantic (profi ciency), cognitive (concepts, ideas, ideas that develop in the view of the world) and pragmatic (aims, motives, interests, estimates that manifested in language activities). Moreover, analyzing some current research on the topic chosen, the author offers the following lexical units to name the modern linguistic personality on the Internet: web personality, network personality, online personality, etc.



How to Cite

THE PHENOMENON OF THE WEB-PERSONALITY. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 66, 81-82.