sentence with homogeneous subordination, formal-grammatical structure, internal structure, sentence parts and components, syntactical means of communicationAbstract
The article investigates frequency of use, length, features of the formal-grammatical structure in complex sentences
with a homogeneous subordinate clause (SHS) in poetic texts. Besides the order of sentence parts and components,
peculiarities of the internal structure, time parameters of predicative clauses have been described. The specifi city of
syntactical means of communication has been also studied.
The frequency of SHS in poetry is connected to expressive possibilities of its structure. The length of the SHS in poems
is often longer than the medium length due to the methods of blocking the predicative clauses, which are specifi c for
poetic speech. In poetic texts, SHS tend to reach fullness, twofold, prevalence and complexity. Special parallelism of the
homogeneous subordinate clauses. The past time predominance over the present in subordinate clauses is insignifi cant.
There are sentences in which different times are used together. The rhythm of the poetic text conduces to the predominance
of SHS, in which each subordinate clause is connected to the main clause by another coordinating conjunction.
Clauses with different conjunctions or their forms function within subordinates half intermittently.