«Soviet pantheon of the Heroes»: the Image of a Hero-Peasant in Ukrainian Socialist Realism Literature


  • Uliana Fedoriv


socialist realism, canon, ideology, hero-peasant, «new man»


The XXI century demands from the modern literary criticism the revision of many strata of Ukrainian culture that have been ignored for years. The need for re-reading and re-thinking Socialist Realism literature is one of the key tasks in the field of topical objects of scientific study in modern literary criticism.
The publication reflects a new vision of the problem of literary representation of Soviet Pantheon of Heroes in the socialistic realism texts. Basically the idea is that the Soviet system in order to build a bright future need was a new man, so all the forces were thrown to the statement «new anthropological type». The article deals with the modeling role of the hero-peasant in the socialistic realism text. This image was established in the mass consciousness by means of propaganda and agitation.



How to Cite

«Soviet pantheon of the Heroes»: the Image of a Hero-Peasant in Ukrainian Socialist Realism Literature. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 4(72), 200-202. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/2151