
  • Oksana Shchepka


concept, patriotism, patriot, core zone, near core zone, semi-peripheral zone, peripheral zone


The article is devoted to the concept of PATRIOTISM, marked in the Ukrainian mental picture with special value. In particular, the ways of expressing the declared concept in Ukrainian poetic works of the early 21st century were discovered. The nominative field of the concept of PATRIOTISM, its internal content is clarified; core, near core, semi-peripheral and peripheral zones are distinguished. The core of the nominative field of the concept of PATRIOTISM is explicated by lexemes: patriotism, patriot, patriotic. The near core zone is objectified to the following words and phrases: cyborg, volunteer, soldier, volunteer, Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, matryoshka doll, Kremlin, etc. (in terms of armed conflict and occupation and attitude to these events), embroidered shirt, language, maidan, heavenly hundred. The semi-peripheral zone of the concept of PATRIOTISM is marked with such lexemes and concepts as national memory, respect for the iconic patriots of the past (T. Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, B. Khmelnitsky, etc.), united country, lust for freedom, willingness to give their lives for the homeland, etc. In the peripheral zone, the concept of PATRIOTISM is verbalized by concepts of native land, own house, mother, etc.
It is determined that the explication of the concept of PATRIOTISM in Ukrainian poetic works of the XXI century testifies to a significant expansion of the boundaries of its generally accepted interpretation. Unconventional and unstable forms of linguistic objectification of the studied concept are caused by changes in the public life of the Ukrainian people due to the armed conflict in Donbas and the occupation of part of the territory of the Ukrainian state. Modern poets, reflecting the public mood and position and at the same time influencing the public mood and position, in their works represent PATRIOTISM as a certain social and moral principle that characterizes the attitude of people to their country and to each other and realized through love to the homeland. It is concluded that the concept of PATRIOTISM, despite its universality, is nationally marked. It is a mental formation in which changes depend on changes in the consciousness of society, which is in some way influenced by literature, in particular poetic works.



How to Cite

OBJECTIVATION OF THE "PATRIOTISM" CONCEPT IN UKRAINIAN POETIC WORKS OF THE BEGINNING OF THE XXI CENTURY. (2022). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 12(80), 70-73. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/3355