
  • Lidiya Zastrizhna
  • Halyna Tsaryk
  • Olha Snitovska


English terminology, term elements, cognitive modeling, term system, cognitivism, medical term, semantic structure, eponym


Language is one of the most important cognitive structures, which is at the center of all human cognitive activity, as it concentrates and accumulates a wide range of scientific, worldview, everyday, behavioral and other knowledge. The importance of cognitive modeling of English-language terminology is determined by the use of professional terms and the formation of their content using a systematic scientific approach, which acquires special importance. After all, professional terminology is not only a conceptual and terminological means of transmitting information, but also a legal basis for decision-making and organization of executive actions. Basic terms have a social meaning and their incorrect use can negatively affect the quality of medical care. Conducting a study of English terminology in the direction of language modeling is conditioned by a new look at the term as a linguistic unit, with the help of which information about a special concept that is created and perceived by a person in the process of scientific and practical activity is encoded, stored, processed and decoded. Focusing research attention on the peculiarities of terminological nomination in various microsystems of English-language medical terminology provides grounds for structuring knowledge in a cognitive context. The article systematically presents English-language medical terminology, describes some semantic aspects of the functioning of terms, carries out a complex translation equalization of the medical vocabulary of English and Ukrainian languages, describes the common and distinctive features of incomplete translation counterparts at the lexical-semantic level, defines and outlines the boundaries of medical terminology, establishes lexical-semantic characteristics of English-language medical terminology, defines the nature of lexical-semantic relations within the term system (phenomena of polysemy, synonymy) and determines translational equivalents of terms.



How to Cite

COGNITIVE MODELING OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. (2023). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 19(87), 8-11.