
  • Oksana Kostiuk
  • Iryna Yankovets


News text; news discourse; microstructure of news text; English-language periodicals; «The Guardian» newspaper; linguistic analysis; lexicology; stylistics; syntax; pragmatics; bias


The article analyses the news text as a key component of the news discourse and studies the microstructure of news texts based on the material of The Guardian. The main goal is to examine the organisation of the text at the level of sentences and individual words to identify trends in the structuring of information. A detailed analysis includes the study of the choice of lexical, stylistic, syntactic and pragmatic means used in the formation of a news report. The study highlights how the choice of specific words and phrases can influence readers’ perception of information and evoke emotional reactions. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the microstructure of the news text on the reflection of bias. The article examines how the choice of words, tone and style can cause a specific perception of information and influence the formation of an image of events. The article presents a comprehensive approach to analysing a news text, revealing its microstructural features and influence on the formation of readers’ specific understanding of events and situations in the context of modern news journalism. The article also focuses on the analysis of a political article published in The Guardian newspaper. This study is important in the context of understanding the role of the media in shaping public opinion and covering political events. The study of articles in this newspaper provides an opportunity to better understand how journalistic decisions affect the perception and interpretation of information. The general approach of the article to the analysis of political materials in The Guardian opens up new areas for the study of language strategies used in journalism and emphasises the importance of objective and critical comprehension of information by readers.



How to Cite

MICROSTRUCTURE OF NEWS TEXT (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER). (2024). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 20(88), 13-16. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/3980