
  • Tetiana Cherepovska
  • Olesia Shutak


dystopia, colour vocabulary, colour name, coloronym, lexical-stylistic level, composition of the work, depicting detail, implicating detail, prospection, lexical-stylistic means


The article examines the functioning of vocabulary with a colour nomination in a modern dystopian novel. Coloronyms are analyzed on the basis of Cecilia Ahern’s work «Flawed», the main character of which becomes a victim of a totalitarian society, but finds the strength to resist it. The main features of a dystopian novel are presented and the correspondence of the analyzed work to this genre is proven. The most frequent lexemes for colour designation and the most numerous subgroup of colors have been determined. Their importance in the creation of author’s artistic images is analyzed. The role of colour names in depicting a dictatorial society and changes in the perception of the surrounding reality by the heroes of the work is investigated. The functioning of colours in the text is studied at the lexical-stylistic and compositional levels. The acquisition of an additional symbolic meaning by a word in the context and the role of key words in this are analyzed. Colours with negative and positive connotations and those used with a dual purpose depending on the context are identified. The colors that reflect the different stages of development of the heroes’ consciousness and those designed to change the reader’s attitude towards them are indicated. The functioning of the vocabulary for the designation of colour as part of lexical-stylistic means is studied. Examples of extended metaphors are given. The comparison of images created with the help of vocabulary for colour nomination, the use of expressive methods of contrast and juxtaposition is traced. The role of descripting and implicating details in the compositional design of the work is investigated, in particular, the creation of the prospection effect. The importance of both frequent and low-numbered vocabulary for the nomination of color for the image of a totalitarian society is proven.



How to Cite

FUNCTIONING OF COLORATIVE VOCABULARY IN CECILIA AHERN’S ANTI-UTOPIAN NOVEL «FLAWED» . (2024). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 21(89), 153-157.