
  • Н. В. Оксентюк


conscience, morality, values, guilt, fear, responsibility, self-actualization, reflection


The article deals with the phenomenon of conscience, as an inalienable property of the true spiritual nature of man as the supreme moral and psychological regulator of life. Thus, the value-semantic sphere is connected with the emotional here: the conscience contains knowledge about the emotional value of the ideas we have about the motives of our actions. According to the study, conscience is not a self-righteousness and concern of
a person about morality of his behavior, where the conscious moral depravity of the content is superseded. This, in fact, is a false, neurotic conscience. On the contrary, there is a genuine conscience in which there is the ability of man to be himself. The will to have a conscience is the consent or disagreement to assume responsibility for their decisions and their choices. Accordingly, the quality of the presence indicates that there is awareness in the life of the individual. However, conflict, wine (semantic tension) between understanding and desire is the main constitutive factor of human experience, moral development of man. This can be explained by the person’s trying to solve the semantic insolubility of those real ethical conflicts with which her life is confronted.

