synergistic paradigm, nonlinear-dynamic properties, latent psychocorrection, spontaneous communicativeness, school educational environmentAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyse the conceptual principles of the synergistic approach as a methodological basis for solving problems related to psychological correction of the personality of schoolboys and teachers in the educational environment. In the article the theoretical bases synergistic approach as a methodological substantiation of spontaneous psychological correction of participants of pedagogical process with the purpose of formation personal competence are considered. Analyzing nonlinear-dynamic properties of complicated organized social systems, it is underlined that the support on synergistic principles allows forming qualitatively new mechanisms of psychological correction of the person in educational environment. With the base on the analysis of modern psycho-pedagogical studies on the identified problem, the authors of the article emphasize the value of the non-classical (synergetic) approach in the researches of human beings. The transition from the classical educational model to the post-classical model is related to worldview changes in psycho-pedagogical science itself. In the synergistic paradigm, researchers suppose it is important to study communicative-spontaneous mechanisms for changing personality qualities in the educational process. The article emphasizes that the educational and communicative activity of pupils is influenced by various random social and psychological factors and is not a strictly deterministic process. The application of the principles of non-classical science to the educational process is associated with the transition of the humanities to a new, postmodern stage, where the mechanism of spontaneity and spontaneity begins to play a significant role in psychological correction. The authors propose a new form of psychological correction based on the implementation of the synergetic principle of emergent, which is as follows. Corrective-latent, spontaneous, minor psychological-communicative contacts of the psychologist or management staff of the school with teachers and pupils, can lead to significant changes in personal attitudes in subjects of the educational process, for example, significant reduction of conflict-related attitudes and non-constructive communicative strategies. This methodological approach of psychological correction is organized in such a way as to “permeate” school environment on the basis of informal communicative interaction of the psychologist with the participants of the educational process. The accent is that synergistic principles can be in use as methodological attitude in realization of spontaneous psychological influence on participants of pedagogical process. Leaning on synergistic paradigm, schematically organizational spontaneous form of psychological correction of the person of participants of pedagogical process are offered and described. The offered form of psychological correction was approved for 2017-2019 academic years on the basis of Trostyanets Bureau of І-ІІ levels of the Shcherbanivsky Lyceum of the Shcherbanivka village radu of Poltava and other schools of Poltava, and showed, similarly to our previous observations, rather high psychology and pedagogical effect. It is noted that further it is necessary to conduct planned empirical-statistical researches regarding the analysis of efficiency of the offered spontaneously latent form of psychological correction, and also to reveal restrictions in application of this form of practical work of the psychologist in the conditions of school educational environment