self-realization, self-actualization, professional fulfillment, conditions of self-realizationAbstract
The author demonstrates that the creation of conditions for self-actualisation within the chosen professional activity enables the person to achieve the desired social status and level of satisfaction with life. Particular attention is paid to the study of problems of self-actualisation of an individual in sports sector.The article considers professional self-actualisation as one of the important factors of personal development. Particular attention is paid to the study of the problems of seft- actualisation of the personality in sports sector as well as professional seft-actualisation of the personality in modern conditions.
The article describes the psychological conditions for professional self-realization in the sphere of sports. It is mentioned that for the successful personal growth of those who have chosen sports, it is necessary to provide conditions for increasing the interest to this activity and practical implementation of the components related to self-realization process. The main psychological conditions for self-realization in sports make up a set of such processes as self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-development, self-organization, development of reflexive and sanogenic thinking, the purpose of which is to discover and develop the capabilities, abilities and qualities of a person to obtain the personal result. The author noticed that some of the indicators of professional self-realization achievement in sports are a professional improvement, achievement of sports results and individual style of the activities. Thus, the professional self-realization of an individual in sports is a complex process, which is considered to be essential for the realization of one’s potential in the professional activity and as a result, brings a sense of satisfaction from one’s contribution to work. Self-realization integrity of the individual depends on the level of mobilization of his/her inner resources. It is worth noting that the article can cause a broad discussion of the topical issues of athletes’ professional self-realization in modern realities.