
  • Natalia Antyukhova,


predicative,, secondary prediction, object-predicative structures, nexus, complex sentence term, complex addition


The article deals with the problem of predicate as a mandatory sign of the sentence, which correlates the content of the sentence withthe reality. It is noted that predicate is: a) a category that contains signs of time, modality and personalization; b) a category that is essentially
quasi-communicative, that is the only one that manifests itself in the attitudes of the opposition to themes and rams; c) a category that contains signs of time and modality.

The author considers predicative as a syntactic modality, the leading in which is the semantics of the relation of denotate to the reality which is surround us; a special quasi-communicative peculiarity of a sentence that implements its qualitative certainty and, accordingly, is not inherent in another, more truncated structure or units of language. It is noted that in the scientifi c literature there are two main concepts – Complex Object and Objective Predicative. In the case of dealing with the Complex Object, the nominal part with the predicate element can form one integer, which will necessarily be object-oriented to the verb and, in its meaning, be equated to a subordinate sentence, although not in all cases it may be replaced by it.

Differential signs of object-predicative structure are presented. It is noted that it is customary to consider the Complex Object as a threecomponent construct with the so-called “object-predictive” member. The differences in the use of two concepts in the sentences – Complex Object and Objective Predicative – are analyzed. It is also noted that the Complex Object is considered as a complex sentence term, or a nexus or “complex application” (Nexus Object or Complex Object) with a verb. The article presents examples of secondary prediction from the novel “The Odessa fi le” by Frederick Forsyth.



How to Cite

STRUCTURE OF SECONDARY PREDICTION IN PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCE. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(69), 7-10.