Usage of grammar on the early stage of studying the foreign language


  • T. Pyvovarchuk


grammatical skills, communicative approach, communicative game methods and techniques


Nowadays the foreign language is studied both as means of communication and introduction to the other nation’s culture. Especial attention is paid to the early language study due to the greater ability to learn language in childhood. In the article on this topic the author accentuates the usefulness of studying the German language in the early school age, as it positively influences the development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination and stimulates the child’s general speech skills. Recently, the main issue of methodology of teaching the foreign languages is how to maintain interest of a child to the foreign language learning. The article analyzes the problematical issues of methodology of teaching foreign languages on the early stage and describes the most efficient methods and techniques of grammar teaching, which contribute to overcoming the difficulties on the way to mastering the foreign language, effective adoption of the grammar skills by the students of primary school age and motivate to study the foreign language in general. For development of the communicative and cognitive motives in studying the foreign language different methods and techniques might be used. It includes a wide range of fairy tales, poems, rhymes, songs, role-playing and imitational games and projects. Acquisition of the foreign language by children happens, mostly, on imitational basis. The novelty of acquired information and interest to it plays a special role in motivation formation. New grammatical material, which is taught during  the communicative game method of studying must be communicatively oriented, meaning of grammatical aspects – understandable from the context, and situations – close to life to force the students to use the language as the only means of communication. It is also emphasized that accordingly to the learning environment, an oral form of study should be considered as an appropriate form of organizing the foreign language acquisition. The task of the teacher, in a way to organize the learning process during the lesson with the younger students, is in forming their positive attitude to education and studying the foreign language.




How to Cite

Usage of grammar on the early stage of studying the foreign language. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 23-25.