Semantic fields of ecology professional language terminology : the frame organi-zation


  • І. П. Волощук
  • О. Ю. Соцька


framing semantics, corpus linguistics, semantic field, ecoconcept, core and peripheral terms


In the article a new perspective of concepts study in «ecology» professional language is discussed on the basis of corpus linguistics. This allows to simulate the principles of the knowledge conceptualization in the field of ecology, which are dy-namically appearing now and also to actualize them in the professional language semantics for providing the insight in the process of communication. Moreover, the attention is paid to the study of the notion «ecoconcept» and figuring out which terms/phrases can be related to their core, and which ones to the periphery. For the corpus analysis of semantic fields of ecology professional language the system of relations between terms, professional words, semiterms, buzzwords, general scientific terms, interindustrial terms, industry specific terms, econeologisms and nomenclature is considered which actualize categorical apparatus of ecology. The computer componential analysis of the environmental term lexis is carried out, the parameters of which were the following points to figure out: frequency of terms usage in ecology texts; semantic combinations of terminological word collocations in ecology texts on the basis of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations.



How to Cite

Semantic fields of ecology professional language terminology : the frame organi-zation. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 94-97.