The figures of contrast as a way of creating an ironic sense (on the base of the modern one -line verses )


  • А. Р. Габидуллина


contrast, antonyms, antithesis, antiphrasis, oxymoron, distinctive feature, diaphoria, ploke


The article examines the stylistic devices of the organization of the contrast in modern one-line verses. The author describes the language means that are able to participate in the generation of the effect of failed expectations; the author identifies the factors that provide the stylistic expressiveness of contrasting units; she examines the conditions of their realization in the text. It is proved that the stylistic context of the contrast in the one-line verses is the multidimensional contrast opposition in which the ability of authors to create a contrast opposition due to systemic properties of contrastives is not only manifested but also generates the ability of contrasting of units in the system that does not have it. The author describes the linear and nonlinear relationships between contrastives that are expressed not only by the antonyms but also by other lexical units: paronyms, paronomasias, meronyms, etc. The various stylistic figures, creating a contrast at the level of linear and nonlinear relationships between opposing concepts are characterized: antithesis and its variants, antiphrasis, asteïsmós, oxymoron, distinctive feature, diaphoria, ploke, etc. Special attention is paid to those figures where the semantics of contrast is combined with other semantic relations and statements acquire punning meaning. The nonlinear semantic relations between contrastives are formed, accompanied by semantic shifts and incrementals and there is the transformation of meanings of words or the imposition of the meanings. One of the fundamental factors in the formation of non-linear relations of contrastive supports is the polysemy of components.



How to Cite

The figures of contrast as a way of creating an ironic sense (on the base of the modern one -line verses ). (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 97-100.