Specifics of formation of a terminological competence of future lawyers


  • Т. В. Громко


terminological competence, speech professional culture, legal terminological system, professional communication


The article is devoted to the one of the central problems of the contemporary professional education – formation of a terminological competence as a compulsory component of professionals cultural speech. The course of the Ukrainian teaching in its professional direction is aimed to solve the problem partially in the context of which some theoretical and practical issues were analyzed. Solving the problems will rise the level of the terminological culture of future lawyers. An educational process in industry of higher pedagogical education has the directed character provided with the first of all adjusted mechanism of current and final control of levels of formed of professional competense of students-lawyers. Exactly test control of knowledge, abilities and skills of students took the proper place in modern pedagogics as the most widespread tool. Use of tests in the process of study of course «Ukrainian (of the professional direction)» considerably optimizes the process of forming of them the students of faculties of law language comunicate of professional competense. The process of self-training which is important taking into account modern requirements to higher education in Ukraine is thus optimized. Strategy of development of higher education in Ukraine foresees upgrading of professional knowledge of students as tomorrow specialists competitive at the market of labour and adapted to the modern terms of the outer globalized space.



How to Cite

Specifics of formation of a terminological competence of future lawyers. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 108-111. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/1769