The using group -based learning of foreign language in high school


  • Н. А. Джава


group work, roles in the group, social form, cooperative learning, stages of group work,, communicative competence, types of groups, interaction


The article deals with the problem of using group-based learning of foreign language in high school. The specific prerequisites for effective learning in groups are proposed, so as the possible roles for the group. The advantages and disadvantages of this method of learning foreign languages are given. The types of groups and principles of their creation are described. The basic positions of works of foreign scientists on the role of different types of group work in the teaching of German are analyzed. The group work enables the participant to work on a task cooperatively and then present the joint work result. Cooperative, communicative and social skills as well as problem solving and presentation skills are promoted. Group work is one of the social forms in the context of educational events during the individual work, partner work and
plenum. The main attention is paid to the necessity of usage of group work in the teaching foreign languages. It is important, that the participants learn independently after the group work and have to construct their own reality.




How to Cite

The using group -based learning of foreign language in high school. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 117-120.