Folk -lore text in the light of the modern linguistic paradigm


  • Н. Л. Дяченко


folk-lore text, genre, counting-out rhymes, classification of the children rhyme-countings


The article is devoted to the problem of folk-lore texts. Inviting children into the world of folklore can start early – on the playground or in the nursery. In fact, many children and adults don’t realize that the silly songs, rollicking rhymes, and nonsense games we learn in early childhood are indeed a form of literature. There is a rich lore of stories, traditions, and customs unique to childhood, with no known author in most cases, passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation. Children often learn the ABCs, numbers, days, and months from rhymes and riddles we share from memory. The article deals with the basic stages of evolution of such genre of folk-lore text as counting-out rhymes, it analyzes the main features of the counting-out rhymes. The scientific views of linguists were systematized to the interpretation of the notion of the rhyme-countings in the domestic and foreign linguistics and was paid attention to the classification of the texts of the children rhyme-countings.



How to Cite

Folk -lore text in the light of the modern linguistic paradigm. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 120-122.