Shakespeare ‘s multi -genre appeal (BETWEEN sonnets and drama ) as the background of English literary tradition


  • Н. В. Зощук
  • І. О. Тимощук


conversion, fable, plot, receptive resource, discourse architectonic


The article highlights the key points of the functioning of Shakespeare‘s heritage and its influence on the modern development of literary arts in the global scientific discourse. The attention is focused on the conversion of various transformations in the fable, plot and architectonic levels that enrich and expand receptive resource of the text. It is paid much attention to dramatic priority of Shakespeare’s creative style; however, it becomes the issue not of the style but literary method. Shakespeare’s
method became key component of the global heritage of the world literature. In the article it is pointed out cultural an literary influence on different genres of English literature and its streams. It is essential to underline the great role of ancient and continental experience of renaissance drama. English drama of Renaissance entirely saved the national folk character and indissoluble connection with folk theatrical tradition. These aspects were reflected in Shakespeare’s works.



How to Cite

Shakespeare ‘s multi -genre appeal (BETWEEN sonnets and drama ) as the background of English literary tradition. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 140-143.