Principles of classification of foreign vocabulary. Assimilation borrowings in the language -recipient


  • Н. М. Кувшинова


Lexical borrowing, morpheme composition, language-source, language-recipient, internationalism


In Russian language of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the significant part of foreign words were German lexical borrowings. According to the degree of development of the language loanwords recipient traditionally distinguish two main groups of words – assimilated and unassimilated. One of the main bits of foreign words, allocated according to the degree of assimilation, are actually borrowing assimilated words about the skill that scientists have no disagreements. The only problem in this sense is to hold the line between borrowing and internationalism. Internationalism represented, first of all, in the terminological lexicon. By the terms-internationalism: a) socio-political lexicon: politics, revolution, republic; b) scientific terminology: geography, history, linguistics, mathematics; c) the technical name: antenna, tank, tractor; g) art criticism lexicon: ballet, drama, novel, opera. When classifying loanwords must be considered the formal features (assimilation of words in the borrowing language) and functionality (use of words in the borrowing language). The research is based on actual data obtained by different linguists, and on the results of the author’s own observations.



How to Cite

Principles of classification of foreign vocabulary. Assimilation borrowings in the language -recipient. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 214-217.