picture of the world, model of the world, artistic reality, macrocosm, objective reality, reality, authorAbstract
The problem model of the world of artistic work in the theory of literature is extremely important and gives a view of the world from the point of view of the person. The author conveys impressions of the world through the perception and the attitude of the characters, building a picture of the world of the hero and his own. The artistic work precedes the text and is made in the objective reality of artistic work for the author. The text is the epitome of the artistic world and artistic work. The artistic significance is not only the text but also the artistic world that is an artistic reality. The artistic world is organized and structured by the imagination and consciousness of the first author, then the readers’ reality. The artistic world has such qualities as: integrity, volume, immateriality, ideality, mobility, illusiveness, virtuality. The author combines text, artwork and world. The author is a certain view of a particular concept, the expression of which is a whole work. The artistic world precedes to the emergence of a literary text for the author. The way in the artistic world is through the text for the reader. The reader recreates the artistic world in the process of reading, perception, empathy and understanding of the artistic text.