
  • О. А. Шумейко


neologism, humor, irony, satire, sarcasm, comic effect


The article describes the creation of the comic language mechanisms associated with poetic tumors. Traditional artistic style of the late twentieth century is the use of neologism. A characteristic feature of the use of poetic language study authors is to create individual expressiveness-copyright images that enhances the comic assessment of realities. Among the many complex tumors copyright titles whose components contain expressive estimated value. The use of sophisticated word-images that are logically meaningful phrases substituents, comparative revolutions, due to the aesthetic attitudes of a particular author,
originality of his creative manner. Creating comic poetic neoplasms associated with potential to explicate these units humorous assessment. Given the general trends of poetic language of the late twentieth century to create a comic effect is often used neologisms. Different expressions comic figure because of the emergence of language units, even nothaving appropriate stylistic overtones, resulting copyright modifications become ironic, satirical or sarcastic sound.
To express the comic poets turn to various means of creating poetry tumors. By way of creating tumors secrete several varieties, including:
1) semantic neoplasms, based on a rethinking of canonical words, use them with the new value;
2) the derivation, which emerged as a result of morphological methods of creating words;
3) lexical and syntactic formed by a collection of one word of two or more tokens.
Occasional seen as a powerful means of expression. The presence or absence of expressive evaluation of a new word depends on several factors: the context, semantic and stylistic compatibility or nespoluchuvanosti formative elements of character lexical meaning motivating the base, emotional and stylistic coloring affixes. Copyright neoplasms are based on models that exist in literary language. In fiction they have different stylistic features (as created to achieve certain expressive and stylistic effect). This effect occurs primarily because the reader himself comprehends the process of creating new words, for each occasional formation – a previously unknown, unusual combination of structural word or morpheme words. The degree of expressiveness occasional formation depends not only on its novelty and contextual environment. The semantics of words and meaning additional increase of poetry defined context. Especially significant impact in determining the context semantics occasional formations, since most of them either ambiguous or has only a conditional value and context it may specify.



How to Cite

CREATION COMIC LANGUAGE MEANS: NEOLOGISM. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 2(64), 192-195.