
  • Dmytro Chystiak
  • Anastasiia Kurhanska


cognitive linguistics, concept, conceptual sphere, image, archetype, Belgian symbolism


This article is devoted to the critical study of the poetics of elements of nature in the collection «Clartés» of Belgian poet and symbolist aesthetician Albert Mockel. It is noted that the study of the Symbolist poets’ lyrics is in the mainstream of cognitive linguistics because of their appeal to the cognitive processes of a person by the use of symbol and suggestion. In the second half of XX century there is a formation of cognitive linguistics as a science (S. A. Zhabotynska, O. M. Kahanovska, A. P. Babushkin, A. Vezhbytska, O. S. Kubriakova,
O. P. Vorobiova). It is determined that the literary concept is represented by special emotional and figurative units and the notion of «image» is determined as a source of conceptual meanings (O. M. Kaganovska, V. H. Nikonova, L. I. Bieliekhova). An important structural element of the image is the archetype as an invariant component of the image. Archetypes differ in their ambivalence and may actualize two invariant concepts (LIFE and DEATH). The collection of poems «Clartés» by A.Mockel has a mythopoetic substratum and presents an idea of ​​the cyclic rhythm of Nature from WINTER-DEATH to SPRING-LIFE on the conceptual level in which archetypal images «water», «fire», «wind», «earth» actualize different poetic images. Thus, the archetype of WIND deserves particular attention. The archetype of WIND is the key element of the renewal of nature. The semantics of the images produced by the archetype «wind» is associated with the ideological conceptions of A. Mockel (concepts of MOVEMENT and SOUND). Author presents two conceptual schemes: SINGING WIND and SILENT WIND and connects the phonic landscape of the collection with the archetype of WIND.



How to Cite

LITERARY CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CONCEPT OF WIND IN A. MOCKEL’S LYRICS. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 4(72), 54-56.