Visualization of Literary Image in a small prose of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi


  • Yaroslav Polishchuk


image, landscape, poetics, impressionism, color, visibility, author


The aesthetic breakthrough of the early twentieth century, the Ukrainian literature was the discovery of color. This merit belongs to the novelist Michaylo Kotsyubinskyi. Landscape poetics of this author provides a set of specific tools and techniques. It resemantisation of pure color (1), an appeal to the shades and tones correlated with psychological qualities and moods of the characters (2), the effect of the space as a combination of light and shadow (3), coloristic fullness prospects (4), the desire to pass the transience of tones, their changes time, which corresponds impresionistic technology of landscape (5), shifts optics - from an overall plan to microplans, the use of various cinematic effects interchangeable lens (6), interpretation of the formula of continuous transitions - tones, colors, sounds, moods, forms that express philosophical existential essence of life (7). Such techniques have become the basis for literature searches and discoveries of the twentieth century.



How to Cite

Visualization of Literary Image in a small prose of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 4(72), 188-190.