derivative word, prefix, forming basis, semantics, distribution, connectivity, valencyAbstract
The article deals with the structure and semantics of adjectival verb derivatives formed with the help of inseparable prefixes be-, ent-, er-, ver-, zer-. Analysis of structural and semantic relations between forming and derivative verbs allows to find out the functions of the word-forming prefix in the derivative structure, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of a value that is the result of interaction of this prefix with forming basis. Structural models of derived verbs with prefixes are presented, their semantic content is systematized, peculiarities of structural and semantic combinatorics of adjective forming basis with inseparable verb prefixes are found.
On the basis of study of internal valencies of derivative verbs, forming bases and inseparable prefixes, the regularities of compatibility of inseparable prefixes with forming bases were revealed. In view of internal valency of derivative verbs, which involves structural and semantic coherence and compatibility of direct components of the derivative word, the criteria for selecting by verb prefix of forming basis for the formation of compound word are revealed.
Mono-, di- and trivalent verbs are formed from adjective forming bases, namely, prefixes er- and ver- represent monovalent derivatives, be-, ent-, er-, ver-, zer-, i.e., all studied prefixes are used to form divalent adjective derivatives. Trivalent adjective derivatives are produced using the prefixes be-, er-, ver-. Semantic internal valency of verbal prefixes on the adjective basis is determined by the semantic compatibility of semantic structures of prefixes and forming bases. Semantic groups of forming adjective bases – external and internal characteristics and condition of a person, external signs and condition of subject, value of evaluation, colour and tint – make peculiar signs in adjectival derivative verbs.