
  • Galina Boyko


State standard of Ukraine, certification exam, level С1, types of language competence, Ukrainian as a foreign language


The article highlights the important stages of the assessment of foreign students of technical higher education in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. Focused attention is paid to correctly calculated and adhered time norms when writing examination examinations and assessing language competences in accordance with C1 requirements. A view is made on the clarity and consistency of the methodology of conducting an examination in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Examples of tasks for each type of linguistic competence are presented and the exam is described, which consists of two parts – written and oral. In the written part there are separate blocks for checking different types of language competence. First of all check the listening skills. Students are offered to listen to an audio recording or watch a video clip. The next block of tasks is lexical-grammatical tests. Here, checks are made, in particular, to distinguish between values ​​of paronyms, the use of synonyms, the ability to perform syntactic transformation of sentences, knowledge of grammatical forms of different parts of the language, understanding the meaning of common phraseology, etc. The next stage is «Reading». Students receive a text of 300-350 words (usually used for reading texts from popular science magazines). Then the students are offered a letter, because it is one of the types of language activities that are checked during the exam. The ability to describe in writing the proposed topic shows a range of related skills and abilities. The final exam is a presentation on the specialty. Students prepare it in advance, while they can use auxiliary resources – create a presentation in PowerPoint or on similar platforms. The article shows the importance of thinking each task and aiming at the best possible coverage of the student’s knowledge at the time of the exam. The clarity of adherence to such a system of assessment is described, which enables teachers of Lviv Polytechnic National University to obtain reliable results of residual knowledge of foreign students after graduation.



How to Cite

TYPES OF LANGUAGE COMPETENCY FOR TESTING LEVEL С1 FROM UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE AS FOREIGN. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 2(70), 38-41. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/2369